Audio playlist Vera Laporeva with The Metropole Orkest Romanza quartiere (E. Morricone) Violin pieces George Sosnovski: “The friend who is far away” nr. 6 “Forget me not”It Ain't Necessarily So - G. Gershwin2e Prelude - G. GershwinMeditation - Massenet Sonata’s for Violin and Piano AdagioMit leidenschaftlichem AusdruckAllegrettoLebhaftAllegro con fuocoIntermezzo: Très lent et calmePresto tragicoAllegrettoPerpetuum mobile. AllegroRecitativo-Fantasia, ben moderato Erasmus Trio Hungarian Dance - BrahmsCavatina - J.RaffII Moderato from 3 Russian Songs - GlinkaPastorale (Traditional)